Saturday, October 27, 2007

#12 Rollyo

Powered by Rollyo

I have created a search roll in Rollyo for haiku and haibun web sites which I like. I copied the searchroll information from Rollyo and pasted it here, but it doesn't seem to do anything. The instructions for doing this are quite long. I went to Dashboard on the blog site, but there didn't seem to be anything called 'template' so I gave up for the moment as this is optional anyway. I'll come back to it when I have time.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007


I have made an account and put five of my favourite books in it so far. The idea of linking with people with similar tastes and sharing information about books may be interesting. Again, time is the problem.

#6 epilogue

After having trouble with the slide show I was determined to make it work. So I've made a very short slide show and this link apparently takes you there.

View slideshow
Here's the full URL just in case the link doesn't work
When I have some time I'll look at some of these other free utilities. A few of them may be useful. Who knows?

Thursday, October 18, 2007

#10 Image Generator

This mosaic was created using mosaic maker at FD Toys

The images are buildings by Gaudi, the celebrated Spanish architect. This is a small mosaic but you can include up to 36 photographs. I had trouble importing the mosaic with the URL, but saving to the hard drive and using 'add image' worked.

1. P1030672.JPG, 2. p1030606.jpg, 3. Inside Casa Batlló, 4. Casa Milá

Friday, October 12, 2007

#8 RSS and #9

This exercise took a long time. Most of the websites I vist or enjoy did not seem to have an RSS or related feed. Sometimes they had a button, but when I attempted to add to my feeds, was told no feeds were available. One problem solved after viewing the rest of the 'lessons' was that if 2 potential feeds appear, you must choose one.
In some ways I prefer 'ikeepbookmarks' where I store websites I am interested in. I look at these when I am in the mood.
Attempting to find sites of interest gave me information overload. Here we are working in libraries, with thousands of books, papers, archives, and the net has just added to the amount of written material and images to be sifted through. I sometimes think that Henry Miller was right when he said 'read less, not more'. I'm sure most of us pass on with a wish list of books we wanted to read, but simply ran out of time. I started my blog with a haiku, perhaps one of the shortest poetic styles developed. There's something in that.
Anyway I did subscribe to 10 feeds and 3 co-workers blogs after all that.
For #9 I subscribed to some State Library feeds



In form 6 I bought a small blue Olivetti typewriter. I did love my typewriter and used it for typing essays when I was at university. I couldn’t believe the advantages computers offered in their ability to allow for revision, changing bits about and refining writing. Out goes the white-out. In with the delete button.
The internet has also opened up many possibilities for sharing information and fast communication although here in the bush you need a book to read while waiting for pages to load. This is frustrating when you consider that it’s often people living at a distance fror academic institutions, government bodies and so on who would benefit from a fast and cheap link- up.
I have to add that one of the best inventions is recorded music. Listening to music from around the world and from different eras is one of the most enjoyable pursuits. Live music of course is fantastic but when you can’t see and hear, hearing is damn good.


This has been a disaster. I spent 1 hour loading picture URLs into the slide show, only to be told that one or more was wonky. But which one?
I switched to mosaic making. Kept it simple. 4 pics. But once again, when the mosaic was made, no pictures appeared. After a day's work this is very taxing. Perhaps I'll try again some time. I think the hours spent on this particular area is enough for the moment